
By maniacus | October 31st, 2007 | 6:38 am

I’m wondering how it could be, the results are:

I’ve got a warning: Low Speed! 1812kb/s Random Read (the drive itself is slow), but when i tested speed in “about” I’ve got

Direct Access: 8.8Mb/s

Cache enabled: 16.2Mb/s

and Ratio from results above is 1.83.

Does it mean that even slow flash drives can give 2x performance boost?

7 Responses to “Performance”

  1. Andrew Zarudnev
    Oct 31, 2007

    Yes, even slow flash drives will give an increase due to the asynchronous file reading. However 2x seems a little bit overstated.

    Probably your drive’s random read speed was calculated inaccurately. Can you please try to remove and add cache file on the device one more time?

  2. Ilya Elenik
    Oct 31, 2007

    You do not need to remove the cache file for remeasuring speed. Click the “Build cache now” button and this value will be updated.

  3. Stevvie
    Oct 31, 2007

    I too have this warning after installing RC. I had a a reading of above 9000KB/s before on BETA4 but now have a reading of 1930KB/s.

  4. Ilya Elenik
    Oct 31, 2007

    The speed measurement can be wrong in case of strong background activity. Can you please click “Build cache now” again and post result here?

  5. maniacus
    Oct 31, 2007

    Hm, next result is pretty the same:

    I’ve got the same warning (1162kb/s)

    DA: 7.97 Mb/s
    CA: 15.26 Nb/s


  6. Stevvie
    Oct 31, 2007

    after rebuilding the cache mine went from 1930KB/s to 9096KB/s.

  7. maniacus
    Oct 31, 2007

    True, mine went up to 5848 kb/s, just after pressing ‘rebuild’.