Applications priority

By Bumble | November 14th, 2008 | 12:08 am

I have added adobe reader as one of my applications priority but it didnt present in the “show cache content”. I have tried to rebuild cache but it didnt work.

However, it is present in the content when I rebuild cache after I added and save other applications in the applications priority.

3 Responses to “Applications priority”

  1. Ilya Elenik
    Nov 14, 2008

    That is possible if you have not used adobe reader after installing eboostr 3rd version. Can you reproduce it now?
    BTW you can look to application file usage statistic by StatViewer.exe located at eboostr program files folder.

  2. Bumble
    Nov 14, 2008

    Thank you for your prompt reply

    I think you are right about running application after installing 3rd version. It’s present in the cache content after I launched adobe and save the others programs in applications priority.

  3. Andrew Zarudnev
    Nov 14, 2008

    Yep, that’s right. You should run the application at least once in order for eBoostr to detect which files it reads and cache them.