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By Willem | December 29th, 2008 | 11:33 am
eBoostr Pro versions 2 and 3 up to and including build 482
Windows XP Home SP3
Licenced to W.Schut
When the computer awakes from hibernate then about half the times there is no activity from the tachometer , i.c EBoostr is not functioning.
I can start again by Edit – Show cache content and when I do this Last cache/disk hit ratio is showing even before the content screen is opened.
For the rest , a very usefull progranm
Dec 29, 2008
Do you mean that the icon is green, but no activity shown? BTW what system status is indicated in the Control Panel?
Dec 31, 2008
Yes , the icon is green and the status is active .
Dec 31, 2008
It’s still the same with build 483
Jan 06, 2009
I have checked when and when not the tacho reacts properly after hibernate.
It behaves only properly when before I go to sleep I have an opened and on top Windows Explorer screen on
I can get it running if stopped after hibernate by starting WindowsExplorer
After that it keeps running whether or not Explorer is on
May 19, 2009
After my last response I have used the PC for month with explorer on as said earlier above.
Now I’ve a new PC with 4G DDR2 mem and a quad processor and the same again .
Than I switched the expensive stick for one from the grocery store 2G and all OK
The expensive was a SanDisk Cruzer Micro 4G witch is ReadyBoost and from witch I erased the supplied software .
May be you can now test it yourself .
Despite the faster PC I have the impression that progs still faster start and that suit’s me well
May 21, 2009
That’s not true what I said about the sticks