Progress Bar

By sirmerlin860 | January 24th, 2009 | 3:27 am

when i rebuilt the cache after installing 3.0.490 i noticed the progress bar indicated 100% about 15 to 20 seconds before the screen

refreshed.  i am wondering if this is a windows issue or can it be changed to represent the actual progress of the task.

btw i love the high percentages of cache being used now (3.0.346 was 31% 20% and 35%, 3.0.490 is 100%, 71% and 31% for a total of


One Response to “Progress Bar”

  1. sirmerlin860
    Jan 24, 2009

    after complete rebuild my stats are: 100%, 100%, 100%.
    nice but it took forever to build over an hour for an 8GB usb drive