anti-virus issues
By seventhsage | October 18th, 2007 | 8:06 am
hi, newcomer here, just started the beta testing, i did notice that command antivirus picks up the file as a virus, but that probably has to do with it having access to system files. I don’t think this is a bug persay (more to do with the anti-virus than anything) but it can be a little annoying. Has anyone else had this problem, and is there anything that can be done about it?
Oct 18, 2007
Maybe good to know what AV you use?
No problems here with AVG
Oct 18, 2007
I did, in the post. At home i use avg, no problems there, but all the school computers have Command antivirus on them, it auto-deleted the install file because it says it’s contaminated, granted, it’s not the best av in the world… I prefer avg. back to the problem, is it possible to get it to stop doing this or would i have to disable the antivirus – homepage for command antivirus
Oct 18, 2007
no problem here with Trendmicro or Norton
Oct 18, 2007
No problems here with McAfee SecurityCenter.
Oct 18, 2007
No problems with Symantec AV 10.1.6
Oct 21, 2007
I use Nod32, and i think is one of the best, no issues until Beta3, i will install Beta4 and later will tell you if I encounter any problem with it, thanks in advance, Luis Herrera
Oct 22, 2007
Truly, i believe it has to do with command, it’s not really a great anti-virus, i wanted to install this on one of the school computers to see what it would do on that one, but when I plugged my pen drive in, command popped up saying it deleted the file because it was contaminated. Since avg picked it up as clean, all it did was tick me off, but i can’t try it on the school computers unless i disable command or unless there is a way to make it compatible with command. This is a great program and this isn’t really a flaw in the program, just the antivirus, i guess i’ll have to disable, but i just wanted you guys to be aware of it…