beta 4
By obsidian | October 19th, 2007 | 3:56 pm
new tests with beta 4:
as the other betas, i do not find any problem running the program. for now and for me, this beta is stable, no problem, no BSOD: everything run faster and better; only 70 – 75 seconds from the power button to ready desktop with several autorun programs (avg antivirus, comodo firewall, notebook hardware control, reinlander, wireless soft, clipx, keybreeze, cachemanxp, pitaschio, mmm, other services)
i’ll continue testing and searching for BSOD and other problems.
improving the “ram quantity” choosing bar may be a good idea, add a “resize cached device”.
do you have ideas for the final user interface? keep windows style or add some visual effects and/or skins?
Oct 19, 2007
Dont add a skin leave it with the windows xp skin because other skins are confusing for some people, Hard to apply personal skins with windowblinds, And it just makes it stick out like a sore thumb. If anything give people the option to download interfaces or skins because I don’t know anything that ticks me or anyone else that customizes their pc more than a program with some ugly skin that doesn’t match anything. (not saying that eboostr would make an ugly skin) Just that it would be best to keep it simple by default and give the option for a skin in the options or by download so people can skin it with windowblinds or any other program because personally I wont use a program that doesn’t have the option to have the normal windows skin because its saying that that company wants to use your desktop to advertise their product.