Flashdrive gone?

By Jeff Newman | October 20th, 2007 | 2:09 pm

Well, I have been really busy these days. So before I managed to finish testing the beta 3, newer beta 3 and the newest beta 4 versions, something weird happened.

I had eBoostr running quietly in the background, the flash drive used is A-Data PD7, 2 GB, allocated memory: 1975 MB and everything was normal. Unfortunately, since yesterday the real problems started. All of the sudden the pop-up message read the data could not have been written to I:\eboostr.dat. Shortly thereafter, the flashdrive disappered from the device manager. I tried reconnecting it, it was fine again for a few hours and then another pop-up and the unit has not appeared recognized ever since, not even after countless restarts.

The unit was brand new, used only for eBoostr service, purchased October 9, 2007 and it’ll be really disappointing if it is really already gone. I don’t think it’s the fault of eBoostr, due to the number of reads and writes, I just think the unit was not all that great. What was great: its parameters, approx. 30 MB/s read and 20 MB/s write speed.

Apologies to the whole eBoostr team, I am sorry that I was not able to post any more test results due to the workload and now due to the probably faulty flashdrive. Hopefully, it gets all sorted out and I will let you know. Thanks for understanding.

2 Responses to “Flashdrive gone?”

  1. t3nt0n
    Oct 21, 2007

    I had a similar problem with my 1GB SD card…and all I did was reformat it and it’s been fine.

    I had used it for a digital camera before and eBoostr apparently didn’t like sharing the card with the cameras formatting.

    It sounds like you ultimately had a worse situation occur, but, I had error in writing and building cache that were fixed by simply reformatting.

    Good luck.

  2. Andrew Zarudnev
    Oct 22, 2007

    Jeff, thank you for the report. We will try to reproduce the issue.

    Meanwhile, can you please try to lower the size of the cache file to say less than 1 GB? (just in case of a faulty memory chip if the drive has several ones)