RC Access Speed & Program Launch Results
By btester92 | November 2nd, 2007 | 7:09 pm
I would use the form, but there is no option for RC.
Direct access speed: 7.134689 MB/s
Cache enabled access speed: 16.195913 MB/s
Using Excel 2007:
Total Direct Access Time: 36.41 sec
Total Cached Access Time: 32.33 sec
Cache hits 45%
Nov 06, 2007
some more measurements to compare
About Antivirus (AVAST)
antivirus disabled
Saturday, November 03, 2007 09:59:46
Direct access speed: 1.551233 MB/s
Cache enabled access speed: 10.912827 MB/s
Ratio: 7.034937
antivirus enabled
Saturday, November 03, 2007 13:21:17
Direct access speed: 1.617537 MB/s
Cache enabled access speed: 10.640173 MB/s
Ratio: 6.578011
Nov 06, 2007
About Photoshop Elements
Saturday, November 03, 2007 17:26:39
D:\ADOBE\Photoshop Elements 2\PhotoshopElements.exe
Pass 1 of 5. Direct access 193765 ms
Pass 1 of 5. Cache enabled 151813 ms
Pass 2 of 5. Direct access 200609 ms
Pass 2 of 5. Cache enabled 163172 ms
Pass 3 of 5. Direct access 151547 ms
Pass 3 of 5. Cache enabled 176297 ms
Pass 4 of 5. Direct access 172187 ms
Pass 4 of 5. Cache enabled 44250 ms
Pass 5 of 5. Direct access 23781 ms
Pass 5 of 5. Cache enabled 14703 ms
Total direct access time: 741.89 sec
Total cached access time: 550.24 sec
Cache hits 50
Ratio: 1.35
Nov 06, 2007
After defragmentation of drive
Tuesday, November 06, 2007 12:56:55
Direct access speed: 1.970686 MB/s
Cache enabled access speed: 12.159290 MB/s
Ratio: 6.170081