New build #408

By Andrey Zarudnev | February 22nd, 2008 | 12:20 pm

New beta build #408 was just published. It contains additional fix in the driver code. Zero3K, hope this one will finally fix your BSOD :)

10 Responses to “New build #408”

  1. medeni73
    Feb 23, 2008

    No go for me in this version :( It doesnt build cache file on USB device properly, it takes just 2 seconds and it says “active”, cache fill is 0% and of course cache content is empty just someone had similar problem before…RAM-cache however works good…

  2. medeni73
    Feb 23, 2008

    Another question: is there a chance that we have some kind of archive for older beta versions so that we test those too? I must use now old 1.1 version cos the latest beat doesn’t work for me and older beta version are nowhere to find…

  3. Stevvie
    Feb 23, 2008

    Version 408 still makes my PC randomly freeze after just a few hours use.

  4. Zero3K
    Feb 23, 2008

    Andrew: The BSOD has been fixed :D

  5. Ilya Elenik
    Feb 23, 2008

    medeni73: Can you try to reformat your USB device?
    For now I see only one reason for such behavior – errors during write operation.

  6. medeni73
    Feb 24, 2008

    I reformatted USB and still no go :( It allocates cache file just fine but “building cache” lasts 2 seconds again and of course the same thing: cache fill-0%, and cache window empty…
    It can’t be write errors anyway cos everything works perfect under older versions (407 included I think)…

  7. Richardky
    Feb 24, 2008

    i use it with multiple drives and one of my drives stay at 0 percent cache with this version other than that its stable and still gives a performance increase .

    same like medeni73 it takes 2 seconds to build the cache and always empty 0 percent .

  8. Andrew Zarudnev
    Feb 24, 2008

    All, thank you for report.
    The error was found and fixed in the build 409–it should correctly build USB caches now.

  9. medeni73
    Feb 24, 2008

    Version 409 works OK now, I could build the cache file, for now everything functions very good. Thanx eboostr-Team for fast problem-solving !!!

  10. Richardky
    Feb 25, 2008

    409 is very stable for me no problems or bugs so far … good work … :-)