Driver Conflict

By Harry | November 28th, 2008 | 3:53 pm

There appears to be a driver conflict with Raxco Perfectdisk Defragmenter. Perfectdisk has a feature called Boot Defrag. It allows defragmentation of system files which are normally locked after Windows is fully loaded. After installing the latest eboostr beta, boot defrag would fail on one of my disks. The error message stated a driver conflict prevented Perfectdisk from accessing the drive. Please note, I have 5 hard drives on my system. I have 2 permanent fixed page files. One is located on my boot drive (C), and the other is located on my F drive.  Boot defrag finishes successfully on my C drive, but always fails on my F drive with eboostr installed.  Once ebooster is uninstalled, boot defrag finishes on both drives. I have tested this with 2 versions of Perfectdisk, version 8, and the latest version 2008. They have a trial version available on their website which you can use for testing. I am running Vista SP1. BTW, excellent software, hope you can work these bugs out as it really does speedup my most used programs

One Response to “Driver Conflict”

  1. cyril168
    Feb 08, 2009

    I am using version 3. Recently I find out that it has the conflict with AVG free version and also Zone alarm. Can anyone have the same problem and any solution for this? Thanks.