Several bugs and some comments
By Paul Siu | December 15th, 2008 | 11:15 pm
I tried eboostr beta 3 on two computers. Both are XP machines. but one has 2 Gb of memory and the other has only 512 Mb.
On the 512 Mb machine, I notice a problem where when control panel is up, the cpu utilization goes up to 100% even though no additional memory was being used. This happened when I deleted the cache on a USB key.
In addition, on the 512 Mb machine, the control panel reported slow speed of 110K/s, but when I ran a speed test, it reported about 12-14 Mb/s.
Finally, I haven’t notice any speed boost. File open and web browsing seems to be pretty much the same as before. I am wondering if there’s anything I am doing wrong.