Boot booster?

By Computer_Tech | December 20th, 2008 | 9:18 pm

im not sure if its all that easy to do but i know of programs such as defrag programs that can be running before log on if you could somehow setup ebootr to do the same, i think it would greatly help with boot time. also i like the way you have it set so we can pick what it boosts but i think you should consider also working in a defrager into the program now thats just my thought. good luck with your program ^-^ and thanks for all the hard work

2 Responses to “Boot booster?”

  1. billy
    Dec 20, 2008

    Windows already has a defrag built in. Also, there are plenty of defrag products. Diskeeper if you have money to blow is wonderful.

    If you need free, try JK Defrag – it can run as your screensaver.

    I think this is outside of what eBoostr should be doing.

  2. Computer_Tech
    Dec 20, 2008

    i have disk keeper thanks tho i was just puttin up a recommendation as it would help the program im sure