BETA 4 is available

By Andrey Zarudnev | October 16th, 2007 | 2:48 pm

What is new in BETA 4 version:

  • Application load speed test tool fixed (should work fine now with any application);
  • The final changes made in the overall access speed check tool. We were using slightly different methods in the BETA 2 and BETA 3 versions to test various aspects of the performance. The BETA 4 version features the final method that closely emulates the performance increase during the regular use of your computer;
  • Random read access speed measure added for the cache devices. An additional warning is showed if you have a slow device with a speed less than 2.5 MB/s (you can still use it–however you will not gain much performance);

    Device speed

    Warning: Device speed low

Please check the following information on what should be tested in this release.

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