Build 535

By Andrey Zarudnev | September 11th, 2009 | 11:34 am

New build 535 is available for download.

It contains several fixes found in the first beta build:

  • Exclude and priority operations in cache viewer fixed
  • Cache file naming changed to correctly handle dual-boot systems
    Please note! Due to this changes you have to manually remove all your caches before upgrading from build 529
  • Application priority list on Windows 7 fixed
  • And several other minor issues

As the build 529 becomes incompatible with the later builds (due to cache file naming change) it will not be available for download from now on.

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3 Responses to “Build 535”

  1. Colonel ONeill
    Sep 11, 2009

    Okie-dokes. Didn’t come by for a while (tried to register a new account and it showed me my old one was still active), so happy about it. Good to know the version I just snagged is more 7 compatible now =).

    Good to know 2000 is still supported, and that I can set less than 64 megs of ram to be used on my creaky 320MB desktop.

  2. Alexander
    Sep 16, 2009

    Cache viewer does not allow to order data for application by cached state, although name, weight and path fields are supported.

  3. DieNasty
    Sep 20, 2009

    Just did a manual check for updates (running build 529) and it told me i have the newest version and no updates are available. Obviously that is not the case so i downloaded and updated it myself :P

    Another issue (at least with b529) is that it “forgets” one of my cache drives, which apparently gets corrupted and inaccessible until i reformat it. This happened two times by now, and i am not sure if this is related to a bug in the software (didn’t see it mentioned anywhere so far) or if that specific USB drive is going bad, but testing the drive with CheckFlash didn’t show any errors.

    Going to check if the same behavior occurs with the newest build. If it does i shall spend some money on another USB drive and see if this happens again, in case this happens again … how can we track this down?