Best performance boost ?

By MarcelWeber | October 18th, 2007 | 2:28 pm

How many memory must i allocated which will offer me the best performance boost?

  • ReadyBoost from WindowsVista:
    The recommended amount of memory to use for Windows ReadyBoost acceleration
    is one to three times the amount of random access memory (RAM) installed in
    your computer. For instance, if your computer has 512 megabytes (MB) of RAM
    and you plug in a 4 gigabyte (GB) USB flash drive,
    setting aside from 512 MB to 1.5 GB of that drive will offer the best performance boost.

One Response to “Best performance boost ?”

  1. Andrew Zarudnev
    Oct 19, 2007

    In our case the size of the recommended cache depends on the number of programs you are using frequently. For a typical use we recommend 1-2 GB cache.