“building cache” started automatically

By Sul-woo Lee | December 21st, 2008 | 2:07 pm

I’m beta testing 3.0.479 beta.

after selecting a device to be used by eboostr, I got a message box to select about “building cache now”.

I wanted to build it later, so I chose “No”.

but ebooster started it automatically. I remember there was no problem like this on 2.02.

maybe it’s a bug, isn’t it?

and here is a suggestion for “exclude list”.

can you plz make import/export list function of exclude list?

sometime it’s annoying to make list again after format or something.

have a good day.

4 Responses to ““building cache” started automatically”

  1. PangOS
    Dec 21, 2008

    I’m using a 2GB Cache file on a 4GB SD Card.

    For the past few days the fill % has been going up. It is now a 100%. Should I make it larger so that more stuff can get cached?

  2. Sul-woo Lee
    Dec 21, 2008

    Hello, PangOS.
    I’m not a ebooster support team.
    so I’ll just tell you my opinion.
    first, go to the “Option – Exclude list”.
    and add some file masks (video, music, archive etc. – *.avi, *.wmv, *.mp3, *.zip, *.rar) to reduce cache file size.
    after adding, build cache again.
    if you still think cache space’s not enough after this task, enlarge the space.
    it’s up to you.
    just in my case, I use 4 GB USB disk.
    have a good day.

  3. Andrey Zarudnev
    Dec 22, 2008

    Sul-woo Lee, thanks for the report. We will look in to this. BTW your exclude list settings are stored in the following file that you can save/restore with ease:
    c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\eBoostr\exclude.ini

    PangOS, usually 2GB is more than enough for the cache size. However if you are using many applications you may try to increase it. Anyway here is some additional information:

  4. Sul-woo Lee
    Dec 22, 2008

    Hello, Andrey Zarudnev.
    Thank you for the reply.
    I’ve got a suggestion for newbies of eBoostr Exclude List. (just like me)
    I think people who doesn’t visit the forum, can’t get an information about existence of exclude list settings and it’s location.
    So adding a sentence of setting file location under “Example: *.mp3” will be better, isn’t it?
    e.g. exclude list settings are stored in exclude.ini file. (location is C:\…~…)
    like this.
    If you don’t think it’s necessary, just forget it.
    Have a good day. :D