Choose Cache Target

By chris | January 11th, 2009 | 7:12 pm

OS: WindowsXP SP3
RAM: 4096MB (2945MB Windows Managed, 895MB Unmanaged RAM, 256MB VGA-Bios-etc)
Eboostr: 3.0 (Build 483)


booting(sec) : measured between powerbutton press – hdd was idle after windows was fully loaded
shutdown(sec)  : measured between windows shutdown button press – computer power off
hibernate(sec) : measured between windows hibernate button press – computer power off
resume(sec) : measured between powerbutton press – hdd was idle after resume

As you can see i’ve tested eBoostr with system memory and ramdrive using the unmanaged ram. They are the same RAM in physical, but the given results are very different. The problem why booting the computer with eboostr.dat on Ramdrive takes much longer is, that the content of the Ramdive which also holds the eboostr.dat file is loading after Windows and all it’s programs has been fully loaded. So eBoostr can not boost the bootup sequence.  For this and other cases it would help that the user can choose cache target.

Also include, exclude management could be much better, maybe dir browsing of hdd and checkboxes on folders and files, example here:



2 Responses to “Choose Cache Target”

  1. Ilya Elenik
    Jan 12, 2009

    The difference in build times and boot times is as expected. eBoostr update ram image on disk during cache build, ramdrive do it during shutdown. Also eboostr have a lot of optimization for fast RAM load, so boot is faster.
    I did not understand your idea about cache target, can you provide some more info?

    Using check tree to select excluded folders is a good idea, we will try to implement it in the future

  2. chris
    Jan 12, 2009

    nice to hear that some of my ideas have been heard.

    i’ll try to explain my idea of choosing cache target.
    i would help if user can choose which file/folder will be cached on which target.
    so we can explicit cache files used for booting windows in the fast system memory.
    other files and programs which are needed during work can come from an other cache device (in my case the ram drive which is available a time after booting) or from any other cache device.

    all in all, it would be nice to have control where the files are cached to.