eBoostr in gaming
By YCH | December 5th, 2008 | 10:54 am
Does eBoostr design to optimize the gaming experience ( game load, game play, DirectX support, etc )
Does eBoostr design to optimize the gaming experience ( game load, game play, DirectX support, etc )
Dec 06, 2008
I use eBoostr when running FSX SP2 Flight Simulator on my XP SP3 and it make a positive difference ..
I like it
Dec 06, 2008
Yes i have to disable the system mem though – (only got 1.5 gigs no page file as well)
Seems to have a positive effect on some games
Dec 08, 2008
eBoostr will help in games which operate with many small/medium sized files (we have received a good feedback about MS Flight Simulator, WoW and several other online RPGs.)