No title

By many35 | December 19th, 2008 | 6:30 am

Running on eeePC 1000H with 1GB cache ram + 2GB SD Card. Runs without problems for over a month now. Programs start faster especially 2nd time, however would like to see improvement in the first start of programs. Great software keep up the good work.

2 Responses to “No title”

  1. Andrey Zarudnev
    Dec 19, 2008

    It is strange that you do not have an increase during the first start. What is your cache fill? Can you please run the statistics viewer and check you favorite apps stats?

  2. many35
    Dec 20, 2008

    Have now installed new version 479 and speed has increased significantly. Initial re-caching took a while but after a few cache re-builds and re-boots everything is ok. Difference between a first start of application and a 2nd start of application has reduced a lot. Now have significant speed increase. For me version 479 is better than 473.