Same flash drive, 2 different speed detected

By maniacus | October 19th, 2007 | 8:50 am

With the same flash drive, between two installation/removal of eBooster I’ve got 2 differet speed measurements.

First was about 7mb/s, present is ~1.5mb/s (with warning). System is XP Pro SP2 ENG, installed 3 days ago, with only few applications installed. Main hardware is Toshiba Sattellite A100.

One Response to “Same flash drive, 2 different speed detected”

  1. Frosty
    Oct 19, 2007

    I had this same problem and I solved it by removing it from eboostr, then I formatted it with fat32 (not quick format, Lastly I uninstalled the driver in device manager. When I unplugged it and plugged it back in it said windows has found a new device. I let it install and I added it to eboostr again and its been at a stable 12mb/s for a while now.