Slider Bug: When selecting size to use for cache.

By Scott | October 17th, 2007 | 5:55 pm


eBoostr Beta 4 Build 315


Plug in your flash drive, click “Add…” then you will see the maxium space you can use. It should be set at max, which is fine. If you move the slider to any position on the rail and then move it back to the highest, all the way to the right to use the maxium amount of space it displays it wrong. The space in MB shows up lower than what you can actually use.

For example, my drive says 3905MB available. If I move the slider to another value and then move it back to max, it shows up as 3904MB. Tested it with another drive, 973MB available, then moved it to another position, then moved it back and it showed up at 960MB max.

If you type the value you want in the box on the left, it will work fine and use the space. Looks like the slider/MB usage is not calibrated. I don’t know if we can blame this on eBoostR, but I’m thinking this is more of a Windows control issue.


One Response to “Slider Bug: When selecting size to use for cache.”

  1. Ilya Elenik
    Oct 18, 2007

    Slider control has a 64 MB resolution, so you are not able to select a value that is not divisible by 64.