Testing V.3.0 build 482 (RC2)

By sst | December 27th, 2008 | 2:03 am

Hi, …

V. 3.0 build 482 = On a test machine : XP sp3 3 gig. ram, “1 gig EBoostr RamCache”.


Since the build V3.0 482.


I have found some new files, in “c:\” = C: \ Root  drive

C:\filestat.dat = It grow each minutes, the file size,  is 576K.

C:\badlnk.dat = Only 4K.

C:\eboostr.dat = 1,073,741,824 B = 1 Gig

Sylvain St-Amand (SST)

3 Responses to “Testing V.3.0 build 482 (RC2)”

  1. fastest963
    Dec 27, 2008

    eboostr.dat i think is the memory allocation file, which it ties to the C:\ (root) drive

  2. Moonie
    Dec 27, 2008

    @fastest963: Yup, that’s correct, the eboostr.dat file is the allocation file, its size corresponds to the size of RAM that was allocated.

  3. Andrey Zarudnev
    Dec 29, 2008

    Build 482 did not correctly created the needed folder to store the files (filestat.dat, badlink.dat etc) thus they were create in C:\ by an error. Please upgrade to 483 build. Sorry.