Windows2000SP4 BSOD

By nikomiudon | February 3rd, 2009 | 11:52 pm

3.0 build 491
When rebuilding of the cash works, I become BSOD.
Contents of BSOD are “Page Fault In Non-paged Area”

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9 Responses to “Windows2000SP4 BSOD”

  1. Colonel ONeill
    Feb 05, 2009

    Have you ran the Update Rollup 1 for SP4? Better yet, find the Unofficial Service Pack 5 for Windows 2000, it includes all the service packs + update rollup 1 + critical hotfixes.

  2. nikomiudon
    Feb 05, 2009

    It is one “service packs4 + update rollup + MicrosoftUpdate”.

    Because language is Japanese, five “Unofficial Service Pack “cannot fit it.

  3. Colonel ONeill
    Feb 05, 2009

    What are your cache devices? I used to BSOD with anything other than a System Memory device with earlier builds.

  4. nikomiudon
    Feb 06, 2009

    I secure 512MB from System Memory device.

  5. Moonie
    Feb 08, 2009

    Hi, usually BSODs caused by “Page Fault In Non-paged Area” are related to either hardware memory or motherboard problems.

    You can run a thorough memory diagnostics on your machine to rule this out.

  6. nikomiudon
    Feb 08, 2009

    It 2passed by Memtest86+ver.2.11.

  7. Andrey Zarudnev
    Feb 10, 2009

    Do you have any memory dumps created?

    In addition, please give us the diagnostic codes of this error (it should look like “STOP: 0x00000050 (0xFA00B000, 0x00000000, 0x804D91F9, 0x00000000)”.) You may just take a photo of the bluescreen.

  8. nikomiudon
    Feb 10, 2009

    I upload a photograph after next Tuesday.

  9. nikomiudon
    Feb 17, 2009