Additional Report, regardless of pending release of Ver 4
This is a voice from Japan participated in Ver 4 Beta testing. Due to many inputs from the participants, it is understandable that eBoostr team keeps science as to release of Ver 4. The most of testers takes it that the eBoostr developer team is now dedicated in finalizing the best end-product. With that, the majority of testers is believed to be patient with and positive toward the release of Ver 4 . For the time being, some testers like me are still doing test of RC Build 553. Here, for sharing the information among the testers, I would like to provide some info. I put the following files and folders in the exclusion list, then I drastically could save the capacity of USB Flash memory thumb drive. Simultaneously, the performance of the eBoostr is being increased. Nothing but just FYI. [Bunji94 from Japan]
*.3g2 *.bat *.eps *.inf *.midi *.ogm *.rmm *.torrent
*.3gp *.bik *.eri *.iso *.mka *.pcx *.rmvb *.tp
*.3gp2 *.bmp *.fla *.ivf *.mkv *.pdd *.rnx *.tpr
*.3gpp *.bz2 *.flac *.jpe *.mov *.pdf *.roq *.ts
*.7z *.cab *.flc *.jpeg *.mp2 *.pdp *.rp *.txt
*.aac *.ccd *.fli *.jpg *.mp2v *.pls *.rpm *.vob
*.ac3 *.cda *.flic *.lzh *.mp3 *.png *.rt *.vp6
*.aif *.cue *.flv *.m1a *.mp4 *.psd *.scr *.wav
*.aifc *.cur *.gif *.m1v *.mpa *.pss *.sct *.wax
*.aiff *.d2v *.gz *.m2a *.mpc *.pva *.smi *.wm
*.amr *.dat *.hdmov *.m2v *.mpcpl *.pxr *.smil *.wma
*.amv *.dib *.htm *.m3u *.mpeg *.qt *.smk *.wmp
*.ani *.divx *.html *.m3u8 *.mpg *.ra *.snd *.wmv
*.ape *.drc *.ico *.m4a *.mpv2 *.ram *.swf *.wmx
*.asf *.dsa *.iff *.m4b *.mvx *.rar *.tar *.zip
*.asx *.dsm *.ifo *.m4v *.nds *.ratdvd *.tga
*.au *.dss *.img *.mag *.ogg *.raw *.tgz
*.avi *.dsv *.rle *.tif
*.bak *.dts *.rm *.tiff
C:\Documents and Settings\user_name\ApplicationData\Microsoft\Installer
C:\Documents and Settings\user_name\Local Settings\Temp
C:\Documents and Settings\user_name\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
C:\Documents and Settings\user_name\My Documents
C:\System Volume Information
C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files
Apr 13, 2010
Good point ~ for the folder setting i highly recommended ~
Apr 15, 2010
Yoshizuki-san, thank you for your comments.
Regarding “Exclude List”, I should refer to the eBoostr team Mikei’s comments provided 6 months ago for our attention (for some reasons, we cannot see him for a while). What he said was:
■Then you suggest to exclude files, remember the main eBoostr purpose – make your system faster and more responsive. ■eBoostr ranks accessed files by number of times they read in the system. So if you have such files in cache it means they are accessed for reading often. ■The latest version has more advanced rank logic. It uses load conditions at file access time and not incudes files read with low load conditions. Also there is “antispam” filter in system to protect from keeping all files due to antivirus and indexer reads. ■So the bottom line is: eBoostr adopts to your regular PC usage to optimize performance. You may prevent eBoostr from the best results playing with excudes lot. ■Excudes were added for two reasons: 1. Prevent from caching vital personal information like documents 2. Some race conditions connected with torrents and video. ■Just let eBoostr work. We are adding more smart staitistics in every release.
Apr 19, 2010
Very nice indeed. Thank you good sir.
Apr 19, 2010
Wouldn’t it be a good thing to include C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache in your boost cache?
Apr 20, 2010
the final version is released ~ did u all get it ?