Current Progress : 2.0.2 version

By Andrey Zarudnev | July 18th, 2008 | 1:02 pm

Hello Everyone!

First of all sorry for not writing for so long. It’s summertime. Vacations, fun and relaxation, nobody can be reached neither by phone nor by email :) I hope you understand what I mean :) Anyway the product is not dead and the development continues. Right now we are publishing a new version for you to test and if everything will be fine–it will be released to the public.

2.0.2 Version

This update should fix a seldom error reported to happen with using RAM cache with modern video graphics cards that also uses the system memory to store textures and other stuff. Both of them are so memory hungry that can allocate it too much–without leaving it to the system. If you ever had a boot hang up on any of your test machines, please check if the current version fixes the issue.

Mike and driver development group improved load balancing mechanism (gives a 20-30% speed increase if using two USB devices according his tests.)

In addition this build has a new feature that may really useful in some cases (thanks to obsidian who also mentioned it.) You can now quickly unload the RAM cache to free memory for other application that needs it.

Here goes the screenshot:


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