I had to uninstall because my computer would blue screen

By damned2 | October 12th, 2007 | 6:24 am

Over the course of two days and a reinstall of windows I determined that I would not be able to run the current version on my computer because of some incompatibility that caused my computer to blue screen constantly. I had to uninstall in safe mode to continue using my computer. I hope somehow this problem is resolved as I would love to continue to use this product.

4 Responses to “I had to uninstall because my computer would blue screen”

  1. Andrew Zarudnev
    Oct 12, 2007

    Can you please send us the kernel memory dump?

  2. damned2
    Oct 12, 2007

    There does not appear to be a memory dump file located in %systemroot%.

  3. Andrew Zarudnev
    Oct 16, 2007

    Can you please enable the “kernel dump” option and try to install the eBoostr?
    Please send us the dump if you’ll get BSOD. Without the dump we can not do anything.

  4. damned2
    Oct 16, 2007

    Kernel dump was enabled the file was not present. I went so far as to then try to make the machine BSOD just so that I would have a kernel dump to submit, but there is file located at “%SystemRoot%\MEMORY.DMP”.
    on a related note please see “http://www.eboostr.com/closedbeta/feedback/works-when-i-only-use-a-512mb-cache/#comments”