new files being created after upgrade to 486

By belledesirepc | January 17th, 2009 | 11:57 am

After upgrading to 486, I noticed that several (hidden) files are now being created in ….\application data\eboostr that I have never seen in previous versions:




Several of these files stay there, even after a reboot.

What are they and why are they new in build 486?

2 Responses to “new files being created after upgrade to 486”

  1. deltarho
    Jan 17, 2009

    They used to be in C:\WINDOWS\TEMP but if they got to more than 48 hours old I got CCleaner to remove them. In C\:WINDOWS\TEMP I just got rid of eBoostrService_000.dmp which was 28.3MB.

    Your guess is as good as mine. :)

  2. Andrey Zarudnev
    Jan 19, 2009

    These are some temporary files created by the SQLite we are using to store the statistics. They should be automatically deleted on the service shutdown. Those you’ve noticed to stay after a reboot were probably just created during the service start.