usb drives

By DJ | November 26th, 2008 | 12:12 pm

i have been using Sandisk 4gb (ready boost) drives and my read/write speed seem to be good. i use 3 of them and the slowest random speed of the drive is 26961 KB/s to the fasteast is 27795 KB/s. I found a utillity that will partition a usb drive. how well eBoostr would work with just one drive(i.e 8gb or 16gb) partitioned into 2 or 4gb section?

3 Responses to “usb drives”

  1. Andrew Zarudnev
    Nov 27, 2008

    Can you please send us the link to this utility? We will check how it works with eBoostr.

  2. mikei
    Nov 27, 2008

    Actually, it this case you will not get any additional speed. And more, if you will place cache files on two partitions, speed will be reduced. To have benefit of raid you need to have different phisical devices.

  3. Andrew Zarudnev
    Nov 27, 2008

    Oops, I misunderstood. I was thinking of a tool that join two drives in one partition.

    Yes, Mike is absolutely right, there is no need in partitioning usb drive.