Wanted: System Memory Wizard

By Doug | November 18th, 2008 | 8:20 am

I think it would be helpful to have a “System Memory Wizard” to help a user know how much of his system memory he can devote to the RAM disk.  In my case (XP Pro, 2 GB RAM, 100 GB HDD) my typical use pattern is to load five applications (Outlook, Firefox, Quicken, Nota Bene, and Libronix) and task switch between them.  What I have not been clear on is how much extra RAM this typical usage profile leaves to devote to the RAM disk.  A “wizard” that would help the user make that decision would be useful.

Such a wizard might work like this: the user loads his/her machine to a typical usage state, the wizard reads the extra memory available, and makes a recommendation as to the amount of RAM to allocate to the file.   This wizard could provide for user input (how much RAM headroom would the user like to leave) in making the decision.

Perhaps this feature is already incorporated, but if so it isn’t obvious from the onscreen presentation.


One Response to “Wanted: System Memory Wizard”

  1. Andrew Zarudnev
    Nov 18, 2008

    No, there is no such a feature in the product. Thank you for your suggestion.