Build 551

By Raven69 | March 6th, 2010 |

All working great so far,

Currently using the 3gig hidden system memory from tri xhannel memory on an i7 machine, plus an 8gb micro sd card at same time, I have not tried the encrption yet as i not need it.

oftware very stable on windows 7 professional, and it makes a big difference when playing sims 3 as it eases the hard disk vm.

Just 1 question, will the retail version of eboostr 4 be out before the beta key runs out? as don’t want to buy version 3 then have to pay again for version 4.


New build 551

By Andrey Zarudnev | March 5th, 2010 |

Build 551 one of the latest Beta builds features the totally new functionality for eBoostr. Cache files located on removable devices can now be optionally encrypted. Thus if you lost your flash drive it will be hard to read the cache contents on another computer.

In addition this build now correctly handles the Intel Atom specific issue with unmanaged RAM check (no more freezes :) ).

eBoostr Beta 551 (14341 downloads )

Currently we are finalizing the new standard time limited trial mode behavior of the product, so the next build will probably be the RC and will be released in a couple of days. Thanks.

eee pc 4g

By victor1972 | |

Usually I use a netbook eeepc asus 4g.

with the eboostr 3 I’m very happy but the new eboostr my pc is too slowly

I don’t know why

sorry, my english is horrible

Beta 547, conflict with Google Japanese IME

By Bunji94 | February 22nd, 2010 |

I’m a Japanese eBoostr Beta tester. Yesterday, I installed Google Japanese IME (beta, released by Google on 3 Dec 09) in my PC (Win XP3). After rebooting the PC, eBoostr Icon in the task tray was working (meter was working) but no right nor left click can be made on the icon. I rebooted the PC but nothing was changed. I terminated eBootr on the Task Manager and reactivated it from the start menu bar. eBoostr appeared on the task tray and then it allowed me right/left clicking on the icon. I had to do this all the time. I removed the Google Japanese IME and then the problem was resolved. After that, I reinstalled the Google Japanese IME, same thing happened again. What I reported here could be the matter of Google, but it is still the conflict between the eBoostr and the Google. Since the eBoostr are now popular in Japan as well the Google Japanese IME will become popular in Japan, I am afraid that the Japanese eBosstr users will be encountered with the problem I reported here. I believe no one of Japanese has reported this yet. eBoostr developer team, please examine the conflict and fix it.

Beta 547 cache Fill 1151924140%

By Luke | February 14th, 2010 |

Beta 547

Problem with 16GB SanDisk Extreme Contour USB Flash Drive cache fill 1151924140%

shows 100% when building cache

No problem with 8GB SanDisk Extreme Contour USB Flash Drive ;-)

Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo Xi1546  laptop  windows 7 Ult , Windows experience index 5.0

BETA 547 ThinkPad T42

By paul.s | February 12th, 2010 |

Beta 547 seems to be working fine on this PC config!

(4GB USB Kingstone stick & 170MB of 1.5GB system memory used)

encryption option does not work for biuld 547

By tharoadboy | February 9th, 2010 |

downloaded it, installed it and updated. restarted my computer and went to options. the encryption option does not work. it does the same thing that biuld 545 does. it uncheck itself when applied.

Возможность: Не считывать файлы с HDD если размер меньше 4кб.

By TheSAS | January 14th, 2010 |

Можно ли добавить такую функцию:

Выбор размера кешированого файла при котором чтение с HDD вообще не осуществляеться.

SD memory recognition problem.

By goodbslim | January 10th, 2010 |

I use Dell Latitude D430.
Intel Core2 CPU U7600 1.2 GHz, 2GB RAM, Vista Enterprise Sp1 32bit.
Applies to Build 545 & 4GB SD memory(Memento).
I got a problem of SD memory recognition as like as a below picture.
I just use only one 4GB SD memory, But the eBoostr make out two memories.
So, when I do a speed test, get a error message.

Working fine on W7 Ultimate 32 bit

By Damifino | January 8th, 2010 |

System Name: Dell DXC061
Processor Name: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E4500 @ 2.20GHz
Installed Memory: 4GB unused RAM allocated to eboostr
USB Mass Storage Device (Port: 3) Patriot Memory 16GB for eboostr -14GB Cache should I allocate all 16 GB?
USB Mass Storage Device (Port: 4) v100w HP 4GB for eboostr -4GB Cache
Everything is working fine — Is 18GB via flashdrive overkill for this system?