Next version delayed

By Andrey Zarudnev | October 23rd, 2007 |

Unfortunately we have to delay the release of the next version. I hope that we will publish it in a couple of days. Thank you for understanding and all your help :)

BETA 4 is available

By Andrey Zarudnev | October 16th, 2007 |

What is new in BETA 4 version:

  • Application load speed test tool fixed (should work fine now with any application);
  • The final changes made in the overall access speed check tool. We were using slightly different methods in the BETA 2 and BETA 3 versions to test various aspects of the performance. The BETA 4 version features the final method that closely emulates the performance increase during the regular use of your computer;
  • Random read access speed measure added for the cache devices. An additional warning is showed if you have a slow device with a speed less than 2.5 MB/s (you can still use it–however you will not gain much performance);

    Device speed

    Warning: Device speed low

Please check the following information on what should be tested in this release.

Changes in the Roadmap : Blue Screen Hunt begins

By Andrey Zarudnev | |

We are still having several UNRESOLVED reports about the blue screen errors with the BETA 3 version. Since we did not detect the reason of the problem, we have to announce another week of testing. BETA 4 version will be published in several minutes and the next week is announced to be “Blue Screen Hunt”.

Before you upgrade to the latest BETA 4 version, please check these instructions on how to be prepared to hunt down, report and help us to kill those BSODs.

BETA 3 : AutoUpdate Test

By Andrey Zarudnev | October 10th, 2007 |

The new build 307 (so called BETA 3.1) is published on the server. Those of you who have the Enable AutoUpdate option turned on should receive a notification about the new version available at the Control Panel startup. If you have disabled the automatic updates, please use the Help/Check for updates… menu option.

Changes in this new build:

  • Build cache process speed slighlty increased;
  • An option to delete the selected file(s) from the cache added (select the needed file(s) and press the Delete button).

New version BETA 3

By Andrey Zarudnev | October 9th, 2007 |

BETA 3 version is released and we are starting the next stage of testing. We appreciate your feedback and your performance test results submitted. If you have made the performance tests for the BETA 2 version and did not submit your results yet, please do so before installing this new version.

Here is the list of changes in BETA 3:

  • eBoostr Control Panel does not lock the cache device now, so you are able to use “safely remove” option in Windows (bug report);
  • Install/uninstall procedure now correctly handles the driver installation and errors if any;
  • Add cache device dialog was completely redesigned to make it more easy to use;
    Add cache device dialog
  • An error text is displayed in the Control Panel in case of a failure or any of the components non-functioning;
    Error message
  • “Check Speed” tool for measuring the overall disk performance was changed to get more consistent and accurate results (Please note! If you have performed this test in BETA 2 version, please submit your results before installing this new version);
    New check speed
  • Application startup speed measure tool was rewritten and now correctly determines the moment when the tested application finally initialized after start. This tool does not rely on hard disk activity now–you have no need to unload background applications and services;
  • An automatic and manual check for new version availability was added.
    Check for updates

Proceed to the information page for more details on what should be tested during the “BETA 3” stage.

Wrapping Up BETA 2

By Andrey Zarudnev | October 8th, 2007 |

We are coming closely to the BETA 3 release. The new BETA version will have some changes in the user interface, as well as some changes in the core driver and speed measurements tools. So please submit your performance test results now, before installing BETA 3, cause most probably you will get another results.

Submit your test results

Please use the following forms to submit your test results. The results you submitted in comments or using the feedback is hard to analyze.

BETA 2 Installation Bug Found

By Andrey Zarudnev | October 4th, 2007 |

During the installation process you can receive the following error message box:

Error Message Box During the Installation

This error indicates that the eBoostr system driver failed to install.


This can happen if you did not reboot your computer since previous uninstalling of the product. We are having a bug in the uninstall procedure (both BETA 1 and BETA 2) that does not ask you to reboot after the uninstall. You have to reboot your computer manually after the uninstall, and you MUST reboot it if you are going to install the eBoostr again.


If you receive this error, then please reboot computer and repeat the installation of the product one more time. Everything should be installed correctly in this case.

BETA 2 version released

By Andrey Zarudnev | October 2nd, 2007 |

BETA 2 version is available for download. Thank you for your feedback and suggestions, some of them are included in this version.

Here is the list of changes in BETA 2:

  • fixed the bug with the cache size setting using up/down arrows;
  • build cache process can be stopped for later resuming;
  • control panel can be minimized during the allocating сache operation;
  • application startup speed test tool added;
  • changes in card reader and multiple devices attach/detach behavior;
  • animated tray icon with current cache performance added.

Please check the information page for more details on what should be tested during the “BETA 2” stage.

Interface screenshot

Beta 1 version is available for download

By Andrey Zarudnev | September 25th, 2007 |

The first BETA 1 version is published and available for download. Let the testing begin! ;)