problems with memory access violation, and build cache now

By al | November 23rd, 2008 | 9:23 am

Not sure why but 469 seems to have more problems since I first started the beta testing. Actually uninstalled it from the system and put the second beta program back on. If using just system ram I have a lot of access violation errors popping up. Some of the programs are dvd shrink 3.0 , vso divxtodvd, Imgburn, etc. also when installing a new flash drive it says allocating cache file but stops and does nothing unless I unplug it from the system.

2 Responses to “problems with memory access violation, and build cache now”

  1. Andrew Zarudnev
    Nov 23, 2008

    OK, thank you for the report. We will check all programs you’ve mentioned compatibility.

  2. Andrew Zarudnev
    Nov 25, 2008

    al, can you please check if this issue is fixed in the new build 471?